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Jan 1, 2025
LOLzzz 3rd String
Again, the whole Alabama argument is a complete straw man.
A random hypothetical that has not happened and you are using to try and turn the discussion from your original argument that it is a bad argument to say BYU controlled their own destiny.

By definition they did, but they lost winnable games and had no life in the first half. To suggest that is solid football down the stretch (which you did) is humorous 😂. You then flipped your argument away from BYU controlling their destiny to Georgia and Alabama (the straw men). We are discussing BYU and their shortcomings. No need to get defensive of your poor argument. BYU had their chance and didn’t take advantage. Scapegoating other teams and the committee for being mean to us (an opinion you formed after BYU beat Colorado, which happened before the committee made their decision) benefits nobody.
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Sep 23, 2023
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Jan 4, 2025
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