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About krindorr

Joined: Oct 5, 2020
Last login: Jun 9, 2024
Total posts: 18,139
Posts per day: 13.5
Board rating: Playmaker (Basic Subscriber)

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Personal space

Because people always think they've "discovered" some hidden secret.

Yes, I'm a BYU fan. Yes, I also enjoy Utah having success. I grew up rooting for Utah with my dad (Utah grad) and going to games with him. When it was time to pick a college though, I went to BYU (Utah was never considered, out-of-state options ended up being crazy expensive and just couldn't justify it after BYU gave me a high-end scholarship). As a result, over the next two years before my mission, I became a BYU fan and still am to this day. Unlike many though, I never grew to hate Utah. Those are still special memories to me and I enjoy that shared connection with my dad.