I'm sorry that for some reason you think 3x ACL tears = no biggie.
I'm not sure where you are going with your linked article anyway. It supports my common sense conclusion too. Great, there is a graft procedure. Cool, I know this.
But on to the conclusion from your own article:
"In the NFL, only 61% of defensive players who underwent ACLR successfully returned to play at least half a season. They also tended to retire sooner and to have fewer appearances and a decreased number of solo tackles."
This article is essentially useless in proving anything. It is talking about different techniques, neither of which you or I know Fano went through.
One again my friend, please keep thinking that 3 ACL tears is meaningless. I've provided a study, you've provided a study, and we've seen first hand evidence in Keenan Pili that support my claim. Outliers exist and I would gladly see Logan Fano come back and due well (outside of playing well in any BYU game), but statistically speaking that isn't likely to happen.