and most of the players love him. He brings a lot of great attributes. Like all other mortal beings, he has weaknesses, too.
Unfortunately, a couple of his weaknesses have kept him from becoming an elite head football coach. I offer two examples:
1) As the CEO of the football program, he has demonstrated that he is not able to organize his employees in a way to excel in recruiting. He has also shown that he hires underperforming coaches and that even when it is obvious they are underperforming, he is slow to make necessary changes.
3) He has been inconsistent at instilling discipline in the program and the players. This last season was his worst as far as player discipline. Big name players skipping S&C or showing up to practice late with no consequence. There is more here that I don’t think is appropriate to share but it is disappointing. Fine - he isn’t the disciplinarian- then as CEO you dang well better make sure that you either have empowered someone else with those skills or implement it in a systematic way that doesn’t rely on personalities. Maybe Jay Hill is that guy and, if so, I will praise a Kalani for the hire.
I am not calling for his head. I really like Kalani and I continue to root for him to figure it out. But I am also realistic - he’s had enough time to figure it out. If he hasn’t by now, I don’t know that he can.