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Dec 30, 2024
UNLVcougar Intervention Needed
I live here as well, and it’s difficult to ignore how badly California is
struggling. Yes, there are parts of SF that look like a 3rd world country with fentanyl zombies and trash and encampments. The size of the economy is inevitable given the size of the state and it being a coastal state with ports. But it would be naive not to see the death spiral it’s currently in. Occupancy in the Bay is not coming back. Prop 36 provides some temporary relief from the insanity, but we will see how long it lasts.
Bio page
Oct 3, 2001
Last login
Mar 6, 2025
Total posts
60,771 (2,423 FO)
12/29/24 12:51pm
12/29/24 11:05pm

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