I stand corrected. CA is #3 not #2 in net migration in 2024. But the quote of Mark Twain "The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated", works well for CA. I know people are pilling on with CA, but it is still a juggernaut of an economy.
Yes Shoganai there is nothing controversial in your original post and totally concur. It was all the piling on in the comments that were a bit rich. CA "reminds me of a 3rd world country" and the like that I found funny is all.
But yes I have lived in CA most of my life and people's comments about the church struggling here are very true. Lots and lots of reasons. But I will give you one data point that contributes. About 10 years about about 1/3 of graduating students both undergrad and MBA's from the Marriott school's marketing program would stay in the state of UT for jobs. Now that number is over 2/3 stay in Utah. Just shows you how good the job market is in Utah.