It’s one stake over from Long Beach. What was once a thriving stake with multiple English speaking wards & tons of youth has slowly dissolved. It merged with a Spanish stake a 10+ years and that has helped keep it alive but there are now only 2 struggling English wards.
My dad is in stake leadership and they have sold off two building while he’s been serving. One was bought by another church, another was sold to a developer that put up a ton of apartments. My dad was told by Salt Lake that with the funds from the sale of these two meeting houses the Church can build an entire temple in Africa.
My wife grew up 90 miles away from LA in south riverside county and the Church is thriving out there and has been for the past 20 years. It’s much more affordable than LA.
The only people left in my home ward are folks who have owned homes for 40+ years. The average age in EQ is like 65. Most of the attendees will not be around in 20 years and I’m not sure what the Church will do at that point. It truly is sad to see.