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Dec 31, 2024
BigHouse Coug All-American
BYU has won 3 out of the last 4 games they played.
Boise holds the overall edge with wins 8-5, but no way they are that dominant. 5 of the games we're decided by 3 points or less and each team has only had a couple blowouts.
BYU fans consider Boise as a Johnny come lately who haven't been playing at the highest level for long enough to get the kind of respect that they think they deserve. There is a perception that they take advantage of a lot of gimmicks and a lot of fortunate circumstances which is fair and to their credit but there is always the question of what have they done to deserve
that type of success especially when comparing Boise to similar programs down the line.
BigHouse Coug
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BigHouse Coug
Jul 18, 2003
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Jan 5, 2025
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12/31/24 4:28pm

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