I started disliking Sitake during the Detmer years because he wasn't loyal to his coaches or his players. He would say, "I take the blame," and then proceed to throw both coaches and players under the bus. He must truly have hated Detmer given the frequency with which he said rude things about him and blamed him for all the failure.
This utterly disgusted me. I thought that Sitake, as the head coach, should have been man enough to take responsibility publicly even if he actually thought differently. He was the head coach, so if things weren't going as he wished, it's not like he didn't have the authority to change them immediately. No, he just blamed others and did his best to put the responsibility for failure--in public--on someone else. No head coach deserving of respect does that in public. You praise in public and castigate in private. Sitake didn't do that and his evasiveness and buckpassing earned my contempt. To this day I wouldn't shake Sitake's hand over the way he treated Detmer.
I had occasion to discuss my opinion about what I saw with a couple of people who were inside the program. You would all know the names if I posted them here. I asked them if I was misinterpreting what I had heard on the broadcasts. They both told me that my take was correct and that Detmer had been made the scapegoat by Sitake for a lot of things that were completely outside of his control.
As far as I'm concerned, the sooner Sitake gets sent on down the road, the better.