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Last login: Mar 27, 2025
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"Lord knows, conservative organizations, including the one I work for, have their own share of quirky personalities and internal disagreements, often passionate ones. But if, as it seems, organizations primarily staffed by conservatives have employees that are generally better team players, we have a fascinating inversion of the expected dynamic. A workforce full of folks who classify themselves as rugged individualists are in fact willing to put aside their personal desires and feelings from 9 to 5 or so, for the sake of participating in a smoothly running, effective organization. Meanwhile, the workforce full of self-professed collectivists, who believe the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one, is increasingly debilitated by runaway narcissism, petty infighting, and self-absorbed grievance-mongering." Jim Geraghty, National Review, June 21, 2022

"Two forces hold that cartel together: diversity consultants who benefit from the accreditation establishment, and parents who are unwilling to challenge it because it serves as a pipeline to elite colleges. At the behest of the association, accreditors create demand for the consultancies, which in turn create demand for the association’s services, including its own DEI resources. Parents dissatisfied with this feedback loop nonetheless face pressures to tolerate it: Opting out could jeopardize their kids’ ticket to the Ivy League."

"The spirit and principle of the free exchange of ideas is much larger than the first amendment. It is the bedrock of freedom and an enlightened society. Cancel culture is awful not because it flaunts the first amendment but because it breaks the contract of mutual toleration that the free world is built on." YIsForBrigham

"Holmoe is one of the most respected administrators in college athletics."
Dennis Dodd article 11.20.20

"If Democratic legislators were to include a jurisdiction-stripping provision in a Green New Deal, it would be a remarkable reversal of recent history. When Republican lawmakers tried to use the measure in the 1980s, it was for socially conservative aims. In 2005, when Roberts was nominated to the Supreme Court, the Center for American Progress, a liberal think tank, criticized him for defending such “radical legislative proposals.”
David Yaffe-Bellany, Bloomberg Quint, October 6, 2020

Read more at:
Copyright © BloombergQuint

"Utah switched to a box and one in the second half. The box is on him. So far he only has six more points."
--Al E. Gator, Florida Gators Message Board, Jan 11, 2011

"In other words, contemporary liberalism offers religious groups a choice. They can try to serve the widest possible population, in which case a liberal administration will set rules that force them to violate their conscience. Or they can serve a narrower one, in which case liberal journalists will sneer at them (and their most generous benefactors) for only caring about their co-religionists." Ross Douthat, New York Times, Jan. 30, 2012

In March [Wilkinson] wrote that he had followed a female student in a mini-skirt into the administration building. "I would be safe in saying that [her skirt] was at least six inches" above the knee... He asked her name, and when she hesitated, he told her he wanted her to report to the Dean of Women's office, because "she knew as well as anyone else that her dress did not conform to University Standards." Wilkinson added that the "disgusting thing was that she didn't have anything to show except some stilts." Excerpt from Dialogue, Ernest Wilkinson and the Transformation of BYU's Honor Code, 1965-71, by Bryan Waterman

Two years ago, residents of Martha’s Vineyard kindly removed 50 Venezuelan “asylum seekers” from their community, doing what our social betters always do when reality fails to align with rhetoric: they put on a good show, insisted their “crisis” was exceptional, and reveled in their own moral superiority, as the problem was outsourced to someplace else.
Last edited 2:29 PM · Sep 17, 2024 - @Patisan_O Lafayette Lee