issue then no one reads the post because it's too long. This topic would be difficult to discuss in a 30 minute conversation - so trying to get at it in 4 or 5 sentence clips isn't optimal.
It makes sense for everyone to analyze how they are spending their time and make adjustments as needed. Different times in our lives allow for us to allocated our time differently. I think (generally speaking) that we should really take advantage of our 20s and use those times as a season to work hard and educate ourselves. Develop marketable skills so that we have a real foundation on which we can build a future. That doesn't mean that guys who work 40 hours/week are lazy/selfish, but it might. Maybe they should play fewer video games and spend more time at work... and maybe they should spend less time at work and more time playing video games.
Some guys look back on their life and think they worked/planned too much and some look back and wish they had worked/planned more. Hopefully, we look back and think we got it mostly right.
The motto at my house for my kids - some days you need to skip school to go skiing and some days you need to skip skiing and go to school. Similar principles apply here.