Mar 15, 2018
russkiejedi All-American
Well, even if it's for something. Depends on what that something is. Grinding in
Big Law or at a Big 4 accounting firm until your kids are teenagers MIGHT be the right thing, depending on a lot of circumstances. But if you use the logic "I'm 27, I'm planning for the future, so working 80 hours a week right now is normal, appropriate and to be expected," and fail to critically assess whether or not that's the right thing for you and your family, that's a bad thing. And the list of anecdotes of people for whom that thought process led to an outright tragedy is at least as long as the list of success stories.

I would be willing and even excited to have a job where I worked and traveled a bunch. But I know my wife and I know my kids. Doing that would not have been conducive to a good family environment. Not coming home in the evenings and helping with the day-to-day grunt work of raising kids, especially when they're small, didn't work for my family (I tried it and experienced the strain).

I think it's great that it worked well for HarlemCoug. I think it's dangerous to assume that it will work for most people, especially given the number of people I've seen use their career as a club to justify neglect of a family that was crying out for them to be more present. Guys (overwhelmingly) in and out of the church, and usually by their own admission.
This message has been modified
Originally posted on Mar 15, 2018 at 9:05:14am
Message modified by russkiejedi on Mar 15, 2018 at 10:31:53am
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