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Mar 2, 2017
ditch Contributor
I won't concede simply on the fact that the sample size is far too small
for an accurate scientific study. Also, you need to look further into those "Statistics" and see that almost every single one of the dog related deaths was from a rescue / shelter and NOT owned by a family. If owners are responsible there is 100% success rate of a pit bull or any mastiff breed being a great dog that would never hurt anyone. There are so many other factors that go into these animals. You are right that they are not inanimate objects. But neither is lightning. People know how to be smart about lighting. It pays to be "Dog Smart" too. BYUImaginesGragons made another good point about Pitbull breed bans causing Pitbull owners to keep their dogs "underground" thus creating the perfect storm for an un-socialized dog to become dangerous.

Fear mongering and stereotyping is useless. I'm embarrassed at how many people on this thread are so ignorant about it.
Perhaps some kind of reason based regulation might be in order, but to ban a breed and spread fear and pandemonium is very naive.
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