Apr 2, 2024
Cougarbib Truly Addicted User
I am not criticizing you for having to move someplace cheaper. BTW, I moved
from Utah where it was cheaper to Orange County, CA where the cost was shocking. Why? It was the only job in my field available other than one in N Cal, one in San Diego, or one in Detroit. There was absolutely nothing in Utah. The economy was terrible. I would never have left Utah if I could have found a job at age 23, married, MBA, 2 kids. Mouths to feed.

I have had family and extended family move where it is cheaper and that is often the best strategy - IF THEY CAN FIND WORK.

My comments in this thread are that there are very affordable options in the US and even with all of our issues - we do not have a crazy dictator with Nukes in our doorstep threatening to use them nor do we have a recent history of a major war on our own soil.

BTW - owning a rental property and renting it to renters like you that need a place to live is not CONSUMING that property. The renter is consuming it. Where would you be living if rentals were not available?

If u want to rag on people needlessly consuming housing - My birthplace is filled with luxury housing owned by city folk from SLC, CA, and around the world - just sitting empty until the owners come spend the occasional week or weekend. I have never let real estate sit empty. That would be CONSUMING real estate.

America is still a great country. People from all around the world - coming from places where costs are poverty level - are pouring across our border to get into this great country. Security and opportunity are the typical reasons - that and smugglers and traffickers and terrorists hiding amongst the crowd.

I will stop here - not allowed to discuss politics.
This message has been modified
Originally posted on Apr 2, 2024 at 11:07:20am
Message modified by Cougarbib on Apr 2, 2024 at 11:18:37am
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