Apr 1, 2024
Shore10 Political Junky
Sure. I'll explain more.
For the next 5 to 7 years, Vietnam will be a hub for a good deal of the world's manufacturing. I am planning to start a couple of product-focused businesses and being close to China and Vietnam accelerates the r&d and production stages.

I've been to China 20+ times over the past decade and it's more effective that being remote. It's easier to source factories and change product directions when you're there.

As I said before, I currently don't have a family to worry about so I am mobile and relatively free of those responsibilities. For career purposes, I would move for the next 3-5 yrs to SE Asia.

From a cultural perspective, I would look more to Portugal or Switzerland. My family is from that area. My German (hochdeutsch) sucks but I could perfect it. I could learn switzerdütsch for daily use in a couple years. I speak Portuguese so Portugal wouldn't be a heavy lift. It's a relatively short flight from the States and they also have decent manufacturing capabilities.

Yes, our government IS a huge problem. The amount of cronyism that has corrupted every aspect of our economy has made this place something I don't really care about helping. The healthcare system is simpler and more straightforward. I prefer our medical care in the States, but it's all a mess at this point.

Cultural issue are another big issue for me. The current government has been purposely eroding property rights, gun rights, and free speech. Other countries — even in Europe — are more free at this point than Americans are.
This message has been modified
Originally posted on Apr 1, 2024 at 1:41:54pm
Message modified by Shore10 on Apr 1, 2024 at 1:45:12pm
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