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Sep 5, 2014
Let's all tell our storm stories from last year's Texas game - here's mine
First off: I was sure a tornado was going to touch down. Please tell me I'm not the only one who was actually thinking that.

OK, my story's not that exciting, but because it was associated with the greatest game at LES in many years it is a day never to be forgotten for our family.

My son and daughter and I had arrived pretty early because my eleven year old son loves to throw a football around on the grass intramural field/parking lot before the game. So we did that for about half an hour or so, and then we saw this amazing wall cloud forming south of where we were. It looked so cool but also somewhat ominous. Then it started moving our way. The wind started to blow a little. We decided we would go sit in the car, since it looked like it might rain. All of a sudden the wind really picked up. The big plastic garbage can by the restroom all of a sudden took flight and flew right into my son and knocked him down. I was laughing pretty hard until the wind kept getting stronger. You could actually see the cloud descend on the stadium and head straight at us. Now it was raining hard. My kids ran to the car, which was actually parked next to a big wooden power pole on the pavement just north of the intramural field. The wind was blowing so hard that the pole was swaying back and forth. I ran to the car and told the kids to get out of it because the pole was swaying so much I thought it might come down. So we ran around to the entrance of the bathroom building and took shelter behind the little barrier wall by the bathroom, because of course the bathroom building itself was locked.

Of course, I was too much of a dummy to grab our raincoats which were in the trunk of the car. So we huddled by the bathroom door as the wind picked up faster and faster, and blew the rain sideways at us. I was sure a tornado was going to touch down, because I saw the clouds above us were ROTATING - yes ROTATING as if a tornado were about to touch down. In fact I think a small one did touch down in Pleasant Grove. We were completely soaked in just a couple of minutes, and once the wind calmed down we went back to the car and tried to dry off before kick off, but we were still pretty wet during the game. We should have just sat in the car until the rain stopped. I shouldn't have been worried about a power pole coming down.

Once the game started we didn't care how wet we were! We still laugh about my eleven year old being knocked down by a flying garbage can and how fun it was to walk out of the stadium soaking wet but with a victory!
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Jan 21, 2005
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Jul 2, 2024
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9/5/14 6:07pm
9/5/14 10:27pm
9/5/14 10:57pm

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