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Jan 3, 2025
HarlemCoug Intervention Needed
My hope is that you're underestimating the tectonic shift that has happened with college football in the state of Utah.
BYU is no longer Indy. That's a HUGE blow to the Yewts.
BYU now has NIL. That's a huge blow to the Yewts.
Utah is now in a conference that their fans hate. That's a big blow.
BYU can now better hide their signals.
BYU now has a recruiting budget that is in line with a top tier program.
BYU now has Jay Hill. He rivals Scalley in his abilities. Whitt wins with defense... but we're now able to attract the best defensive talent in the LDS community. That's a huge blow.
Kyle's current OC is untested. If you're an elite offensive player, I think you have better options than Utah.

If Kyle's going to keep winning, he's going to need to do it with less LDS talent. His recruiting classes will get worse from here unless he can attract more of the elite non-LDS players. His competitive advantage in Utah and in the LDS community have taken a significant blow.

The road to success for Whitt just got materially more difficult. He's a great coach, but the change in the landscape is going to be too much I think.

The one big caveat is NIL. It only takes one anti-Mormon billionaire to decide that he hates BYU so much that he'll donate $20M/year to NIL. NIL is great for BYU, but this one aspect of it could help Utah.

Edited to add - I just read a thread started by Oxcoug and he and others point out that the resurgence of CO and ASU are also problematic for Kyle. Dillingham and Sanders are rockstar coaches who will attract a lot of elite talent. Their rise makes them harder to beat on the field and in recruiting.
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Originally posted on Jan 3, 2025 at 10:01:12am
Message modified by HarlemCoug on Jan 3, 2025 at 10:12:56am
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