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Jun 19, 2023
kimdaddy35 Former Fly Half
I'm shocked anyone other than a fantasy owner would think this was a good deal. Teams win titles. It requires
fit, chemistry and defense.

The Suns have none of it. Durant and Booker were already duplicating some of their upside. But it was a small measure and worth it. Now you add a guy with the same skill set who is worse than both of them on a horrendous contract. You think you should be excited about that?

If you think you are trading Ayton for championship depth I would just say good luck. What team with guys who are good championship role players would trade that for Ayton? I mean do you think a contender is trading important pieces for Ayton? Why? Who?

The Suns are clearly being run by a guy who thinks the team is a fantasy team. Accumulate enough guys with enough stats and you will win. Depth and defense don't matter. I find it hilarious you think it was smart.

Dwayne Wade and Lebron James struggled to play together. Despite more talent than everyone in the NBA they started slow and didn't win a title in year one. The success they found that first year was from playing smothering defense. Maybe that is what Phoenix will do (yes that is a joke).
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