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Aug 30, 2023
SierraCoug All-American
They are like invading locusts. I’ll never understand why people get so excited for a small herd of feral horses that
destroy yards and take dumps everywhere. These are just horses that people let loose because they were too much of a hassle to keep.

The horse lovers run interference for them to keep the BLM and state from rounding them up and either relocating them or taking them to be euthanized.

So, they get to run roughshod through the neighborhood. Occasionally, they wander into the highway where they get hit and put lives at risk.

This is a photo of someone’s front yard in my neighborhood where a herd decided to take up residence until they move on to someone else’s yard.

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Oct 12, 2008
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Mar 6, 2025
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8/30/23 10:03am
8/30/23 10:05am

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