their church when they started to play football: i'm not so sure what they could possibly mean by that if you read modoc with an eye to literell interpriptation then you must believe that the church would endorese any football teams? that mights seem to some as a contractidiction when BYU is clearly the churchs team because it is named after brigham young who was a church leader in the past i am not sure that mcconnkie and young would have agreed on all of their teaching because there are a lot of areaas where modoc isn't the same as journals of brigham young but in miracle of forgiveneess kimball says that you should repent" during my mission my mp was often one to say the church is what we need to follow and then we can become the typos of folks we would like to be/ thats all we try to do in idaho.
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The best WR in the Pac 10