thering the gospel. I think it can but not if people are saying bad words. Like wittingham accept utahs coach. Almost was byu;s but may not have said then . I dont think bronco would even at utah do you. May be why its him. May be not one time in hawaii the tightend said the worst one. Not just one time wich was worse. and on tv also worse. Part was on sunday but dont think braking the sabbath because they were in hawaii.some on said it was not good for people to hear byu say bad words. a ga or byu president. different then was not a ga. it can happen if some one would not say thos e words because always saying most are return missionaries on tv. or married to wives. dont even say if had to come home early. Wonder if they coun tthem to. who would no wich. Any one else remember others. Do you think it can happen.