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Nov 11, 2013
GM is doing really well. The issue is the price they are selling the stock
GM has had really good sales for a couple years now and had many consecutive profitable quarters. GM's issue is profit margin on their sales. It is around 4-5% whereas VW/Toyota is closer to 10%.

GM will be free from Government ownership of stock real soon if not by the end of the year. The issue is the price they bought the shares at versus what they are selling them for. I think they need to sell the stock at around $40-50/share instead of the $30-$35 per share they are selling them. This will cause a loss of $7 Billion I think. Some have thought the government should hold on to their shares longer since the stock price has been steadily increasing.
This message has been modified
Originally posted on Nov 11, 2013 at 3:17:23pm
Message modified by BYU1982 on Nov 11, 2013 at 3:28:25pm
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11/11/13 2:52pm

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