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TwinsRight All-American
Adrielle Board Misanthrope
mulletino Truly Addicted User
Soupie Grandma Sycamore
Dec 27, 11:34pm
Soupie Grandma Sycamore
Dec 27, 10:58pm
Dec 27, 10:46pm

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Spencer Fano just tweeted "One More Ride"... Talked to a Texas Tech fan tonight. His grandson coaches for Baylor so he said Man, Retzlaff just joking around really ruffled feathers... particularly Ute Clegg ASU fans suck Las Vegas Bowl attendance. COL and BYU played 7 same opponents. Comparative scores slight advantage to COL BYU offered 98 players in the 2025 recruiting class - Where those recruited players ended up signing This is a fluid opinion, but the ASU fans I experienced at the ASU game in Tempe 🤣

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