Egor’s decision and, like Kevin Young, I’ll cheer for the kid ether way, I don’t see it as a no-brainer. We’ll likely pay the kid at least $1 Million if he wants to stay. And, at some point you get so much money that more has a higher chance of enslaving you than making you happier.
Say he’s at $50 Million a year in his last contract. If he’s already made over $300,000,000, is another $50 Million going to make him happier?
On the flip side, once you go to the NBA you can’t go back to college. He’s barely 19. You only get to be a kid once in your life. When it’s over. It’s over. If he loves where he’s at and thinks he’d love another year . . .
If I had a kid in a similar position, I’d advise him to give a good long look at staying.
He’s pretty much guaranteed to make enough to never have to work again after the NBA. Either way.