Brutal 4 months. She’s dealing with post concussion syndrome and functional neurological disorder. Her memory is about 10% of what it was pre concussion. She remembers a handful of family and friends, but still doesn’t remember most things from her past. We’re teaching her about Christmas for the first time all over again this year and it’s been bizarre. Physical abilities are also about 10-20% of her previous self.
We are trying to integrate her back into activities. But it’s difficult to take her anywhere because she is so confused and overwhelmed. We tried taking her to church. But she has no idea what’s going on and no idea who everyone is, including most of her best friends pre concussion.
Today we met with the school administration to try and get something back going with school. But she doesn’t know basic math, counting, or reading. She was an honors student heading into the school year and today the conversation was getting her involved with the special ed department. She’s alert and aware enough to know what that means and wants nothing to do with going back to school and being in special ed. I can’t blame her. One of the well known social girls in the school last year showing back up half way through the year and being in special education? She’s terrified, and so are we as her parents.
Not sure what my point is in sharing this, other than looking for anyone who has gone through anything similar or has any advice on navigating this. We’re working with a good team of doctors and therapists. But most just say it will take a long time.