I live very near the president (Randall), AD (Harlan), and football coach (Whittingham). I'm a BYU grad (as are my spouse, parents, siblings, etc.). Most of my neighbors are Utah grads/fans, many are Crimson Club members, etc., and most are not members of the Church.
By far the vast majority of Utah fans I know (and I'd wager that I know more Utah fans than most on this board) are good people and about as similar to BYU fans one can imagine. Yeah, there are some anti-Mormon or anti-BYU among them, but this: "Sure, there are a few good apples 🍎 that have gotten caught in the mostly putrid, fermented bushel, filled with vile, rotting, rancid-smelling 2nd-hand fruit" and sentiments are like it are so far over the top it's embarrassing.