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Jan 7, 2025
BYUFBDAD Truly Addicted User
the dirty secret is that most of the big corporate facilities require you to buy
their "insurance". It's not insurance, it won't cover squat. It's a complete money grab for nothing. Many people will be surprised that they paid every month for absolutely no coverage whatsoever.

I'm approached often to offer this "insurance" to my customers, the salespeople tell me that people will pay $12-$15 a month for coverage, and of that amount they'll give me $9 if I require it. Complete scam, I won't offer it and I warn everybody I know to decline it if I don't have what they need and they go elsewhere.

I probably have 30 customers that were burgled at other facilities and found out the hard way they were ripped off twice, once by the bad guy and once by the facility pushing "insurance". The "insurance" company will never settle, if you can even get them to engage with you.

If you ever rent a storage unit, contact your homeowners or renters insurance company and have them add the storage space to your existing REAL insurance coverage. Most often, there will be no additional charge for this. If you must, provide proof to the storage facility that you have real insurance and tell them to pound sand on their required scam.
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Dec 11, 2010
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Mar 6, 2025
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