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Adrielle Board Misanthrope
Adrielle Board Misanthrope
scootsy Truly Addicted User

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Glasker Jake is such a like-able guy and we were 11-2, so hard to critique... but we must. 4 INTs in that game. Stay with me.... ESPN has a list of 8 'blue blood' schools. BYU made the list just outside the 11-2. Tied for first. Eliminated from the CCG by a tie breaker. Biggest bowl win since the '96 Cotton Bowl It’s funny to me when some here try to discredit/take shots at Drake Toll, John The best defense in the Big 12: I had defended our abysmally weak preconference schedule. I figured this team I was worried that NIL would destroy BYU sports. I was wrong. Turns out NIL will Correct me if you think I'm wrong, but I think BYU is a prime example of why the SEC and BIG10 want to lock out other I just did the math, and according to Bart Torvik's data

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