Farmers DO own their water, unlike residents in cities, who don't. If you want guaranteed access to water, the solution is simple. Buy water shares. They aren't cheap, which is why the SL Trib and KSL are always pushing these "solutions" that would allow others to take control of farmers' water, even though taking those water rights would not give the cities any additional culinary water. But that's way too complicated for a SL Trib or KSL reporter to understand. They think agricultural water in an irrigation ditch in Cache Valley will magically move to a homeowner in Alpine and become culinary water if congress "fights the farmers." So asinine.
It's interesting how many people support theft of others' property as long as it isn't THEIR property. Perhaps congress will get the courage to fight the homeowners in Utah and take their homes which would also solve the water problem.
And if you don't like alfalfa, you should remember that most of that goes directly to dairy farms. Utahns love their milk, cheese, ice cream, yogurt, etc. Without alfalfa, the cost of dairy products would skyrocket.