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Jan 8, 2025
jreid191 All-American
Here are the top 5-man lineups that have played at least 15 possessions together
according to Evanmiya:

1. Hall / Knell / Mag / Catchings / Keita
2. Demin / Knell / Saunders / Catchings / Traore
3. Hall / Baker / Saunders / Catchings / Traore
4. Demin / Baker / Knell / Mag / Traore
5. Demin / Hall / Saunders / Catchings / Keita
6. Hall / Knell / Saunders / Catchings / Keita

Notice that the top 4 don't have Hall and Demin on the court together. The 5th one is the starting lineup and it rates pretty poor offensively, but rates well enough defensively to make up for it to some degree.

If reduce the threshold down to at least 10 possessions but also limit it to lineups that have played "meaningful" minutes together (i.e. not garbage time and actually played against quality competition), then you could add these 2 following lineups to the mix as well:

Demin / Baker / Mag / Catchings / Traore
Demin / Baker / Knell / Mag / Traore

That top one rates better than all of the 6 above, just has fewer possessions together. The bottom would would rate between #4 and #5 above.
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Mar 8, 2003
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mjmill All-American
Jan 8, 7:20am

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