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Jan 6, 2025
reddead All-American
My beef (to the extent it's even a "beef") is the little brotherness of it all
If your choice is Utah Tech or BYU-I and you're a Mormon, I can see the argument for BYU-I.

My real issue is the "just as good as" or "almost as good as" or "ACKSHULY, in x, y, and z ways, it's better than" crowd.

It's a high-concentration Mormon environment; it's probably a place where people do an even better job following the rules than at BYU; it does give people a degree and that has value from a "check-the-box" standpoint.

But acting like all universities are created equal is silly; almost as silly is the contention that BYU-I is in the same conversation with any of the good ones.

Don't give me a box of Great Value "Twist-n-Shouts" and tell me they're as good as Oreo Double Stuff...
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Nov 16, 2009
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Jan 8, 2025
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