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Dec 2, 2024
RGGeemer Truly Addicted User
Forward handoffs are always illegal unless it meets the following criteria:
"Rule 7.1.6:

Handing the Ball Forward

ARTICLE 6. No player may hand the ball forward except during a scrimmage down as follows:

a. A Team A back may hand the ball forward to another back only if both are behind their scrimmage line and the player handing the ball forward has not had their entire body beyond the neutral zone

b. A Team A back behind their scrimmage line may hand the ball forward to a teammate who is on their scrimmage line at the snap, provided that teammate leaves their line position by a movement of both feet that faces that player toward their team’s end line and is at least two yards behind their scrimmage line when receiving the ball (A.R. 7-1-6-

PENALTY—Five yards from the spot of the foul; also loss of a down if by Team A before team possession changes during a scrimmage down [S35 and S9]."

So yes, you can handoff forwards twice as long as either 1) both players started behind the LOS and are still behind the LOS or 2) the teammate receiving the 2nd handoff turns with both feet back toward their own end line and receives it at least 2 yards behind the LOS.
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