Wouldn’t have minded a punch to the face from like Isaac Wilson or someone. Nothing season ending. Just something to stop the yapping. Wasn’t there punches already thrown in that locker room? Just a sit down and be humble moment of some kind. That’s what I wanted.
I feel bad he’s out for the year. Nobody deserves that. He’s got a family and he has his future… so much of his and their dreams rides on him staying healthy. I sympathize. I hate it during competition when my kid goes down so I empathize when other kids go down.
But at the time and watching it back… he would’ve done well to take a little bit of the edge off that celebration for the sake of himself and the sake of his team. It fired up his team maybe… but I think it can end up firing the other guys more when it’s over the top. I don’t know. I just didn’t like it. I’m not rooting for him moving forward. But I hope his recovery from injury goes ok. I liked Bernard and Kuithe. But Rose lost me there.