Maybe my experience is the exception, but what I have found is when an opinion is shared that deviates at all from the official they typically get the "people lost their minds" reaction in church. Look at some of the reply posts to EDthoractomy-- "what you said is false." "Clearly don't understand the WoW"...
The posters referenced above clearly believe the WoW is the Lord's doctrine. Great, I have no problem with that. What I would like to change is the ability to discuss things like this without the thought stopping replies above. I will admit I don't just take everything the brethren say as the absolute truth, I reserve the right to have my own opinion. I guarantee that some will immediately think of me as some sort of trojan horse, some progressive Mormon trying to lead everyone astray. However, I like to think the church is just a bit better with people like me.
I think you said it pretty well, but I will change your words just a bit to reflect what I have observed:
My opinion: not an opinion but is the true gospel, supported by prophets and scriptures
Other guys opinion: they wrest the scriptures to match that opinion