My wife has been teaching high intensity aerobics classes professionally for well over a decade. Drinks only water. Eats almost zero junk food. Only processed food she ate regularly was pasta a couple times a week. Mostly whole grains and low fat. Maybe 2 or 3 meals a week will fix a recipe with canned tomatoes and/ or canned beans in it. The rest of the meals are completely from scratch, except whole grain breads and pasta mentioned above. We average eating out less than twice weekly. Most of that is sit down Japanese, Thai or Vietnamese. Rarely fast food. When menopause kicked in she gained about 2 pounds a week for 3 years. Now that she has cleared menopause she is losing weight again. Maybe a pound a week.
Only change in diet was to reduce calories when she started gaining weight. Cut out almost all remaining processed grains for whole grains recently.