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May 13, 2024
BYUMizzou All-American
Where ever they can go to school for free (or at least without taking on any
debt) for as long as possible. I'm a big proponent of BYU because you can work part time during the school year and full time during your summer and earn enough money to pay for 100% of your school costs. You won't be eating steak and caviar, but you can get by.

If there's an in-state school that you can go to and achieve the same results, then go there. Go to the best school you can for as little outlay in money as possible. Don't go into debt.

For a lot of kids, the smart financial decision is to go to a JUCO/community college for 2 years and get all of your GE credits out of the way and whatever core major classes the 2 year college has that will transfer to your final destination. Then transfer to a 4 year school to finish out your degree. Most states have programs that will pay for 2 years of tuition for a moderately competent HS student (most commonly requires a 2.5 HS GPA) to attend a 2 year college in state.

It doesn't matter where you start your school. All that matters is where you finish. A degree from BYU for a 4 year BYU student is the same degree that they give to a student who transferred in for the last 2 years of schooling.
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Mark Harlan
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Aug 25, 2010
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Jan 9, 2025
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