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May 27, 2023
Magathis 🇨🇦
Any thread like this needs to include Tyler Batty’s promposal

The most elaborate one I heard about was I met this one couple, Tyler Batty and Liz Callahan. And Tyler kidnapped Liz, this elaborate kidnapping-- duct tape, blanket over her head. She knew it was fake, by the way. Was not scared.

Liz Callahan
There was three boys, and they were talking. They were trying to sound like they're terrorists kind of. They were trying to talk him in some weird language.

Tyler Batty
And we'd just kind of shout gibberish, just a mix of any foreign words we know from Japanese, Russian, Korean, kind of sticking to mostly like a Russian accent. Like this, deeper.


Just kind of random stuff like that.

Ira Glass
Give me a little more.

Tyler Batty
It's not logical. Just shout random words.


Just random syllables and funny stuff, goofy stuff, yeah. But I mean, if you were wrapped up in a blanket and someone's talking like that, you're more than likely to be scared.

Liz Callahan
I was like, I know it's you guys. And they were like, no you don't! What?

Tyler Batty
There's no way she could have known who it was.

Liz Callahan
So I was calling all their names out. I was like, I know you guys are right there.

Ira Glass
They threw her into the back of an SUV and then swerved around the roads, up into the mountains. And then Tyler staged a rescue in a Batman costume, supposedly saving her from the fake kidnappers.

Tyler Batty
I just start flinging open doors, kind of punching my buddies kind of hard, so it sounds realistic. Of course, it's not super hard punches, but just they're grunting, and uh, oh. They're yelling stuff. "Get him. Where is he?" So I throw open the back hatch.

Liz Callahan
He had his Batman mask on, and he has this Batman voice that he likes to talk in. And you can't really understand him.

Tyler Batty
And I said-- man, what did I say? "Don't move. I'm here to rescue you."
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Originally posted on May 27, 2023 at 6:09:08pm
Message modified by Magathis on May 27, 2023 at 6:10:25pm
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