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Mar 2, 2023
SayMyName All-American
I know I am old school but I hate the "flex"
20 years with my company in office and now 1+ years post-covid with a flex policy with most people working some form of 3 in and 2 out. I hate it. I think my teams are way less productive and less "connected". Meetings are less effective. I find it really frustrating to get my teams working together effectively. We are a heavy team-oriented company and me and my peers at the senior management level hate it. But we can't force them in because they will just leave for a more flexible company.
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Nov 10, 2002
Last login
Dec 27, 2024
Total posts
3,377 (1 FO)
greatbam 1% better everyday
3/2/23 8:01pm
3/3/23 12:57am

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