Look, Rose should not be on the chopping block in any way, and I don't think he actually is outside of CB. IMO, there are still some weaknesses in the assistant ranks. Quincy Lewis is great with both recruiting and defense. But, BYU needs some assistants that are stronger at recruiting different geographic areas and at player development. We have too many assistants that are the same in their strengths.
To be blunt, Coach Rose has too many non-player, white, Mormons guys on the staff. Nashif, LaComb, May, Faucette, and Cummard all seem to have the same contacts. BYU needs an edge. St. Mary's has that with strong Australia connections. BYU needs an assistant or two with some great international or non-LDS recruiting connections. Dave Rice provided that connection with Las Vegas. Pope provided some great big-man development and NBA reputation.
For me, where Coach Rose has gotten complacent is in his assistants. Someone like Hansen with the deep Russia connections might be interesting. I still think we could capitalize on the Eastern European market with the Cosic name recognition. Maybe some other Basketball emerging market like Brazil or even Africa with an LDS influence.
There is a really good base of LDS stars and talent. Complementing it with just a few more key recruiting additions and better player development would take BYU to the next level. Right now, guys like Nashif, LaComb, May, Faucette, etc. don't move the needle with kids who want to play in the NBA. Pope had some cache. Maybe Tavernari or even Araujo would be intriguing options. Something to give this staff an advantage in obtaining and developing talent.