I don't really have issues.
My distance vision goes a bit screwy for a few minutes after reading something up close, but it doesn't really bother me. I had the same issue with contacts for a few years too.
During my year of depression, however, I had a constant headache. It was so constant that I stopped noticing it until a second surgery fixed it.
The follow-up doctors at Hoopes initially didn't want me to undo the monivision because they told me that most people regret doing that. Once I got to my year mark, however, each of the 2 or 3 who worked with me told me that it was an easy decision to make and I needed to have it fixed.
I was a little frustrated that I suffered so bad for a year, but it was seriously all worth it when I came out of the second surgery and the headache was gone and my vision was perfect and very stable.
My year of torture ended only a year ago, but it feels like a distant memory now.
The best unexpected result of my LASIK is that my night vision is so much better than it was when I wore contact lenses.