This article explains it more. These are the indicators:
Launch — a player leaving his feet to attack an opponent by an upward and forward thrust of the body to make forcible contact in the head or neck area
A crouch followed by an upward and forward thrust to attack with forcible contact at the head or neck area, even though one or both feet are still on the ground
Leading with helmet, shoulder, forearm, fist, hand or elbow to attack with forcible contact at the head or neck area
Lowering the head before attacking by initiating forcible contact with the crown of the helmet
The only one that is applicable here is leading with the helmet to make forcible contact to the head or neck area, and again, from that video angle it’s not clear that happened. If there was a different angle clearly showing the helmet or face mask hitting the receivers helmet first, I think they call it. But the video angle that everybody is looking at doesn’t show that conclusively.