from your surgery. How big is the tumor? Where is it located? How invasive through the colonic wall will the tumor be? Do any of the lymph nodes have cellular evidence of tumor spread?
I presume your CT scan was of your abdomen/pelvis and chest? Do you have any LFT (liver function test) abnormalities? What’s your CEA level?
Have you met with a surgeon yet? Any signed of obstruction or significant bleeding? What kind of surgery is planned (get a robotic surgeon who does hand sewn intracorpreal anastomosis!)?
There’s tons of questions and it’s a long road ahead. Even after surgery (it seems like you’ve escaped neoadjuvant chemotherapy based on your CT findings) you might need chemo after surgery. At a minimum, you’ll need lots of follow up labs, CT scans, and colonoscopies.
Let us know how things go, and ask lots of questions.