This 117-mile section of the trail started off with a 50-mile road walk from Etna to Seiad Valley to get around the Shelly Fire Trail Closure. It also took me across the California Oregon border and through part of the Rogue River National Forest.
Road walks can get pretty boring, but in this case I was able to amuse myself by feeding on all the wild black berries growing along the highway. They were yummy.
Then the last ten miles were along the scenic Klamath River, so as road walks go, this was better than average.
When I crossed into Oregon, there were two very kind gentleman (we call them Trail Angels) providing hikers with fruit, sodas, hot dogs, banana bread, and a bunch of other goodies. They do this on their own time and with their own money to help otherwise complete strangers. I think it's amazing generosity.
It also feels good to finally complete California. I rewarded myself last night by staying in a hotel that has a steam room, sauna, and whirlpool.
I am still trying to figure out how to tackle Oregon. Oregon is looking very complicated with several fire closures. It looks like I can make it to Crater Lake, but may have to deal with a lot of smoke, and then there isn't a lot of good road walk options around the closures.
I have not yet ruled out just skipping up to the Canada border and coming south until I make it back to Ashland.