get on CB, when you try to remind people of who they should aspire to be, and what principles they should consider trying to live by, rather than emulating the exact attitude of other fans that we are unhappy about, and deem unkind. As the Stoic Marcus Aurelius once very wisely said, "The best response (or revenge, depending on the translation) is to be unlike the person who has done you wrong (or to be unlike your enemy, once again depending on translation)." Marcus Aurelius was amazing!
But this happens on CB far too often - Suddenly, you're "the problem" for being "holier than thou." That's a crock, and is really just a classic defense mechanism, known as "reaction formation" when someone attacks the person who is highlighting the truth, to keep the focus off of their own hurtful action(s). The flippant unapologetic arrogance by some on CB is astounding, and frankly sad, IMO.