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Jan 29, 2025
kimdaddy35 Former Fly Half
The TV partners are not going to be nearly as important when the game itself continues to become a mockery of
what it once was.

Listen, I love the NBA. The players in the NBA on whole are the best there have ever been. But the NBA has issues, here are the ones that actually need to be addressed.

1. Make the regular season matter more
2. Call the game like every other league in the world calls basketball. No gather step, no jump into people fouls.
3. The season it too long. Teams like the Spurs (they were one of the first I remember, but there have been countless others) have realized that the regular season means so little and simply rested their guys in the regular season for the playoffs when it mattered. When you are a team with 17 games in 31 days you are not going to be able to give max effort every game. It is too much.
4. Push back your regular season. Starting in October? Why? Makes no sense. Compete with the NFL instead of MLB? Dumb.
5. Get independent referees. Until you do everyone will think that there are league biases (we know you make more money if certain players and teams make it) that are dictating officiating (newsflash, they exist so don't pretend they don't).

I also think the league will be in a much better place when Lebron moves on. That isn't a knock on Lebron who is still a very good player and draws eyeballs. But the league and the world need to embrace younger stars. Make Giannis, Luka, Wemby and Jokic the guy everyone sees all of the time on national networks. Not 48 year-old Lebron. I turn on TNT or ESPN and see the Lakers and I immediately turn it off. For a middling team I have seen WAY too many of their games.
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Aug 23, 2010
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Feb 17, 2025
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Jan 29, 1:23pm

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