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Jan 7, 2025
Ghost of Peanut Truly Addicted User
In theory, it's safer to back into the parking space.
When backing into the parking space, you are backing into an area a lot less likely to contain pedestrians/small children. You are also in full view of the driving lane from which you start, being able to clearly see any vehicular traffic that might be in your way. It is also a lot less likely that someone will be racing down the driving lane because they are an idiot driving way too fast in a parking lot.

Then, when it's time to leave, you are facing forward with a clear view of any pedestrians and vehicles in the driving lane.

Pulling forward into the parking space saves a little bit of time when parking. Upon leaving, views are often obstructed and/or impossible to see what pedestrian and vehicular traffic is in the driving lane. Backup cameras help, but are limited in their capture. Small children are especially difficult to see.

The worst for safety are actually the slanted parking spaces. No option but to pull in forward. All the same issues of backing up PLUS the added issue that the person directly across from you, a vehicle that may not appear in your review camera depending on how wide a view it gives, might also be backing up at the exact same time. Had that issue bite me in the butt once. The other driver was mad as heck and tried to blame it all on me, even though we'd met directly in the middle of the driving lane. He forced the cop to go look at the surveillance footage after which the cop said we were both 50% to blame.
Ghost of Peanut
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Corn Pop
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Ghost of Peanut
Jan 26, 2009
Last login
Jan 8, 2025
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