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Jan 7, 2025
Penske Material Don't worry about it
First world problems that I need to get over (but still bug me...)
#1. My next-door neighbors are an older couple, he's a retired minister and they're still really active in their local congregation. Because they're older and because I have two teen-aged sons, I've told my boys to always shovel the neighbors sidewalk and driveway when they do ours. This has been going on for four years now and my boys know the drill. We got snow last night, and we shoveled the snow at both their house and ours.

After shoveling last night it snowed again, only like an inch of light easy stuff. My boys left early this morning for seminary so they didn't shovel it. I took my youngest to school this morning and while waiting for her to get ready I shoveled just my driveway. I hated to leave the job undone, but I had to hurry and get the kid dropped off at school and figured I'd be quick and then finish the shoveling job when I got home. When I did get home, my neighbors had shoveled their driveway and walk but had not shoveled my sidewalk between their property line and my driveway.... It's a stretch of maybe 80-90 feet, so like a 90 second job. I was just kind of surprised that after four years of shoveling their walk and driveway they didn't take an extra couple minutes and do my walk.

#2. I got hacked on FB a few months back. The hacker posted some BS sob story about parents in the hospital and so they're selling a bunch of crap (I guess this one is fairly common). I reported it, had lots of friends and family do the same, and the profile was locked. **This sucks btw, FB has no customer service or help line - make sure if you're using it to have a good password and authentication.** I went through the steps of trying to get it back, but the hacker had set up two-part authentication (I hadn't done this), so I was basically up the creek.

So after realizing it's a lost cause I created a new account yesterday, with two part authentication. I start adding some family as friends and FB stops me, saying I have to wait because I'm adding too many. Fine, I can wait and go through this slowly. Then this morning they locked my account, it can't be seen or used, and required me to create a video selfie. Really FB?? Where was this kind of regimental security when I needed you. A dumb thing to whine about, but I'm still upset.
Penske Material
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Santos L. Halper
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Penske Material
Sep 25, 2012
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Jan 8, 2025
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