Not to take away from great work over many decades from the U med school, particularly in research, but I bet BYU med
will enter the picture and be exceptional in it's area focus, very quickly.
BYU will "catch up" and exceed many schools that have claimed superiority in medicine, research , etc.
Heck, BYU had been qualified for R1 status for a while without knowing it or seeking it. Universities put in a lot of effort to get R1 status and then flaunt it once there. BYU makes it look like no big deal.
Just like in sports: it only took BYU a couple years to "catch up" to Utah with its 10+ year head start. Honestly, many schools have had a many decade head start (think AZ schools) and BYU stepped right in ready to compete in recruiting, coaching, NIL, etc.
I love BYU.