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Jan 3, 2025
ovalY Starter
You can run a 2 way, a 12v or a 120v while driving if you are doing it from batt
if you are running them from the batteries. The 2 way and the 120v would require an inverter.

I dumped the 2 way because it would only cool to about 30 degrees different from the outside temperature and it drew about 300 watts constantly. Driving while running on propane is no bueno and I want to run it if there is food in there.

I debated 120v or 12v, 120v for the options and cheeper, but a residential fridge isn't built for this and won't necessarily have door lock/clip things for when you are driving and the power draw from my experience is still about 100watts constant.

Most 12v fridges are meant for an RV and the door locks nice when driving and would be sized to fit current fridge compartments. My dometic 12v runs from about 10watts most of the time with 100watt spikes when the compressor goes on. I have just 2 100ah lithium batteries and they can run it for a week without charging. Adding a bit of solar would keep you going perpetually.
This message has been modified
Originally posted on Jan 3, 2025 at 12:58:47pm
Message modified by ovalY on Jan 3, 2025 at 1:06:22pm
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