In early May we're taking some of our kids & grandkids on a trip to Spain. Background: I lived in Spain as a teenager. In 2018 my wife, disabled daughter, and I did a 3-week roadtrip around Spain. In 2023 we took our oldest daughter and her family there. For the 2018 trip we went through a travel agency to book everything. In 2023 - I did all the booking and arranging. So I can do it, but just wondering about having a travel agency do this trip given we have one daughter and family leaving from Seattle and the other family leaving from Utah.
Is it possible that a travel agency (i.e. AAA) - due to their discounts can do it cheaper than I can even with their profit margin included?
Anyone have a good recommendation for a travel agent(cy) that does family trips like this?
ps - I'm not rich. This is just part of my modest inheritance that I promised our kids I would use on them.